Gobuzzr’s IoT Play Looks To Take The Sting Out Of Bee Farming

Gobuzzr‘s IoT-powered solution helps beekeepers and apiaries monitor hives in real-time through weight, internal humidity, temperature and sounds of the bees

The agritech startup is currently working with beekeepers and apiaries in Zimbabwe and the UK

It gives farmers customised solutions to help them maintain a healthy hive, increase productivity and income

The humble and oft-ignored honeybee is one of the most crucial links in natural food production and vegetation growth. So while most know bees as the source of honey, a healthy bee population actually indicates the overall health and fertility of the natural habitat or ecosystem. 

But apiarists or bee farmers are not always considered in the same class as farmers that produce grains and crops. This is seen in challenges such as pests and predators, climate change, lack of credit for the beekeeping sector, costly beekeeping…

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