Google Audio reCAPTCHA Breaks with Google’s own Speech to Text API

The cybersecurity researcher Nikolai Tschacherthe has recently posted a proof-of-concept (POC) video of an attack that Breaks Google Audio reCAPTCHA with Google’s own Speech to Text API. The experts affirmed that CAPTCHA is one of the old methods since 2017; it generally uses voice-to-text to circumvent CAPTCHA protections, which still works on Google’s latest reCAPTCHA version 3.

Initially, CAPTCHA was begun in 2014, and its acronym is ‘Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart.’

Moreover, ReCaptcha is Google’s fame, which has been introduced for its own technology and free service that utilizes image, audio, or text challenges to confirm that a human is engaging in an account. 

We can say that it is a kind of code that is available for free of charge from Google for accounts that manage less than 1 million queries a month.

Whole Process

Nowadays, everyone is very familiar with the reCAPTCHA process. But, for the insertion of visually injured…

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