Google launches AI platform to help cities plant more trees – Latest News

As policy makers aim to plant more trees to increase shade on warming city streets globally, Google has launched Tree Canopy Lab that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI) and aerial imagery.

The platform will help cities see their current tree canopy coverage and plan future tree planting projects, starting with Los Angeles.

“Trees are increasingly seen as a solution to both lowering street-level temperatures while improving quality of life. Yet many cities may not have the budget or resources to locate where every tree in town is, or where new tree-planting efforts are most needed,” Google said in a statement.

“With the Tree Canopy Lab, you can see Los Angeles’s trees with local context, like what percentage of a neighbourhood has leafy cover, an area’s population density, what areas are vulnerable to extreme heat, and which neighbourhood councils can help get new roots in the ground,” the company informed.

Tree Canopy lab is part of the Environmental Insights Explorer platform,…

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