Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Product-Led Growth

What Does Product-Led Growth Mean? 

Product-led growth (PLG) is a strategy under which a company focusses on using its product as the primary tool to attract, engage and retain customers. This strategy does not require salespersons, and crucial elements like user acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention are driven primarily by the product itself. 

If users find value in the product, upgrading to a paid version becomes an easy decision. Companies embracing this method believe in the power of their products. They invest in providing a great experience upfront, making it easier for users to see the benefits and decide to upgrade.

Why Is PLG Important For SaaS Businesses?

Product-led growth is important for SaaS businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it aligns the product closely with the market by prioritising customer experience, allowing for a refined product that meets specific customer needs. 

Secondly, it streamlines the sales process, enabling users to onboard…

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