Prevention Is Better Than the Cure When Securing …

The “OODA loop” shows us how to secure cloud-native deployments and prevent breaches before they occur.

Renowned military strategist John Boyd conceived the “OODA loop” to help commanders make clear-headed decisions during the Korean War. We’ll look at how one might apply the OODA loop OODA — that stands for observe, orient, decide, and act — specifically to secure cloud-native deployments and prevent breaches before they occur.

The OODA loop begins with observing how a battle is unfolding, determining all available options, making a decision, and acting on that decision. The chaotic nature of battle requires the leader to constantly reconcile and repeat that process.

We can see the same logic in a cloud-native environment, where it describes how Kubernetes reconciliation works. A Kubernetes controller:

  • Observes and orientates: Monitors the current state and compares that to expectations (that is, the state that the user has defined for this resource, perhaps through a YAML…
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