Raw Fury Breaks Precedent By Sharing Its Publishing Agreement Publicly

One thing the gaming industry is somewhat notorious for is the secrecy surrounding its different practices. Most studios don’t reveal the intricacies of their day-to-day operations or contracts, keeping gamers and industry workers alike in the dark. But Raw Fury has made a bold move in opposition to this standard, , including the details of their standard contract with game studios publicly in a statement on December 22.

Raw Fury has developed a reputation as a over the years, even supporting one of its indie teams for a full-year past release despite small profits, and this move seems to be another step in line with that ethos. According to its statement, the reasoning for this decision was based in empathy for developers trying to navigate the confusing landscape of the industry.

“A lot of the humans working at Raw Fury have at some point been a developer, working for some of the most recognized AAA game studios to fledgling indie…

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