ShapeShift Delists Privacy Coin Zcash Over Regulatory Concerns

ShapeShift, the Colorado-based cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to self-custody their assets, has delisted another privacy coin.

Zcash has been removed from the trading platform in addition to monero and dash. Decrypt reported last Friday that XMR and DASH had been quietly removed; the delisting of ZEC was not noted.

“We’ve taken down the privacy coins because of their regulatory concerns,” Veronica McGregor, ShapeShift’s chief legal officer, told CoinDesk in an interview. “At least for the moment, we’re not working with those coins.” 

XMR, DASH and ZEC “were delisted at the same time for the same reason – to further derisk the company from a regulatory standpoint,” McGregor wrote in a follow-up email.

ZEC’s removal is somewhat notable because the company invested in the Electric Coin Company, one of the creators of zcash, in 2016, and listed ZEC that…

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