Tech giant Alibaba to roll out ChatGPT competitor AI

Chinese e-commerce giant weighs into the global race for artificial intelligence (AI) with its own version of chatbot assistant. Alibaba announced the rollout of the ChatGPT-like product in the “near future.”

According to a BBC report from Apr. 11, the new product will be called Tongyi Qianwen, which translates to English as “seeking an answer by asking a thousand questions.” The chatbot will be integrated with Alibaba’s vast ecosystem of tech businesses, including workplace messaging app DingTalk and voice assistant smart speaker Tmall Genie.

Chatbot will be able to communicate in English and Mandarin at the first stage, while its task scope will include turning conversations into written notes, writing emails and drafting business proposals. The main intrigue, however, is whether Tongyi Qianwen would be able to work on more creative tasks, as its American counterpart already is.

ChatGPT was released by Microsoft in November 2022 and later integrated into the company’s…

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