What It Is, What It Isn’t

Security professionals are feeling the squeeze from all directions, from hybrid cloud environments, increasingly sophisticated threat actors, siloed data and tools, and the ever-present need to respond to breaches quickly and in real time. In the face of a massive skills shortage in cybersecurity, this new reality dramatically increases the workload for existing staff, leading to burnout — and missed detections.

XDR, or eXtended Detection and Response, is emerging as the solution that drives real productivity gains and saves security teams’ time by corralling and analyzing previously siloed telemetry from different sources and presenting relevant actionable insights through one unified console.

The Problems XDR Was Made to Solve
Until XDR came along, security solutions had been mostly piecemeal, addressing only one part of the overall challenge, such as network analysis for network traffic, endpoint data for endpoints, email gateways for email, and so on. The real world, as you…

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