Why Internet Access is a Determinant of Health for Seniors – TechConsumerGuide

Thanks to the power of digital communication, older adults have more lifestyle choices than ever. Today, senior citizens can see a doctor, attend an exercise class, or watch their favorite movie from childhood — all without leaving their homes. However, to take advantage of these fantastic resources, seniors need access to the internet.

In fact, internet for senior citizens is so important that some experts have called it one of the most critical determinants of health outcomes for older adults. Why is internet access important for seniors — and how can caregivers ensure that older loved ones can access the tech that improves their lives?

What Is the Digital Divide?

The term “digital divide” refers to the opportunity gap between people with internet access and people without it. You’ll often hear the term used when discussing rural American communities with limited internet access, but the term can apply to any population that disproportionately lacks…

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