WTO blockchain report says customs remains ‘weak link’ of trade digitalization

The World Trade Organization and Trade Finance Global have published their latest taxonomy of blockchain projects in international trade, arranged into what they present as a “periodic table” for the industry.

The original rendition of the periodic table was published in winter 2019. Since then, a lot has changed: despite the pandemic, several indicators used in the table show that blockchain trade innovation projects worldwide are reaching ever greater maturity. 

On a scale of one to five, projects’ maturity was assessed as being 2.3 on average in Dec. 2019. As of this month, the same figure stands at 3.3. To translate it into non-numerical terms, these projects are now “between the early stages of production and being live and running,” according to the WTO and TFG.

According to the report, blockchain — also known as distributed ledger technology or DLT — has two main…

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