In the past, if we forgot the lyrics of a song, it could take a long time to recall or find it. But now, Google owned YouTube has introduced a new feature that helps us find songs quickly. You simply have to hum a short part of the song for about 3 seconds, and YouTube will search its library to find a match based on the melody.
YouTube Music ‘Hum to Search’ Feature
YouTube Music is trying out a new ‘hum to search’ feature on its app for Android phones. Owing to this feature, users can find songs by humming, singing, or recording a short piece of the tune for at least three seconds. When you hum or record, YouTube’s smart technology matches it to the song’s unique melody. Then, it shows you videos related to that song, like official music videos or user-made content. Right now, this feature is only available to a small group of Android users as part of a test by Google.
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