Dancer Amy Kumar brings together 14 women to share their journey of success under the series ‘Women of Substance’
Hyderabad-based Kuchipudi dancer Amy Kumar is holding an online conversation series titled ‘Women of Substance’, bringing together women from various fields. The series, which began on September 12, will run through the month (every Saturday and Sunday) on her Instagram handle (amykumar57).
“The series is an event to bring to light inspiring stories of 14 women of substance who have achieved success by passionately doing what they do,” says Amy and adds, “We have a photographer, musician, postdoc in cancer biology, corporate leader — people from various fields I’m associated with.”
The first episode of ‘Women of Substance’ featured the US-based teacher and social media influencer Eliza Keyton, also known as ‘Eli Kutty’ because of her love for…