How Did India Fare on the ‘COVID Report’?
Looking back at 20 March 2020 — and how India has surpassed all other nations, all of whom are far less populated, far richer and with a much larger investment capacity then ours. Our COVID-related deaths and active cases have remained the lowest if one looks at positivity and mortality per million population. Just two charts based on the latest available comparative international data displays this vividly:

It would have been a tremendous success story had a new spurt and news of new coronavirus variants not played spoilsport. Daily COVID-19 infections in the country have begun to rise to over 40,000 new cases each day.
As of 20 March 2021, this accounts for over 34 percent of the highest daily average reported by India on 17 September last year. Starting 16 January 2021, India has administered 44 million vaccine doses till 20 March.
The advantage of having a…