M: “How is she?”
Sulabh: “It’s been dropping – 89ish.”
M: “Turn the phone. Tanya! Look at me. Get up and do those breathing exercises. Otherwise, I’ll have to come there and force you.”
Me: “No, don’t expose yourself. I’ll do it.”
Wow. What an effort it is to breathe.
Sulabh: “Let’s get that concentrator? The deal with the S family is whoever needs it first.”
M: “We have the same deal with the B family. They have confirmed we can pick it up.”
Time to turn prone. Heave. When did turning over become so difficult? Panting like a tired dog.
Voices in the background: “Yes, connect it like that. See how the water bubbles — use filtered water only. Seems to be working. Let’s hope we don’t need it.”
What’s happening to me?
Voices in the background:…