oi-Vicky Nanjappa
New Delhi, Aug 20: Following the takeover of Kabul, the Taliban visited the closed Indian consulates in Kandahar and Herat. They were apparently searching for papers, reports have said.

They also took away parked vehicles from both the embassies. The Taliban is also conducting door-to-door searches to identify Afghans who worked for the NDS, which is the state run intelligence agency. A Hindustan Times report said that the details of the Indian consulate in Jalalabad and the mission in Kabul are not available.
Afghanistan today: The past explains its present
With Afghanistan falling to the Taliban, all eyes would be on the new ruler of the war torn nation. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar who is the number two in the outfit is likely to head the government.
He is also in charge of the political wing of the outfit. Baradar arrived from Doha in Kandahar and he also took part in the…