Bhubaneswar: Two youths and an equal number of goats were stuck on a rocky island in the middle of the Budhabalanga river for over an hour following sudden rise in the water level near Bangiriposi college gate in Baripada, Monday.
Locals said at around noon the water level rose dramatically in the Budhabalanga river. The two young men, identified as Upendra Singh and Debendra Singh (both aged between 22-25 years) of nearby Chauligiri village were then taking bath in the river. They are said to be cousin brothers.
Baripada: Two youths stuck following sudden rise in water level of Budhabalanga River near Bangiriposi college gate #Odisha pic.twitter.com/QAy02bVZBb
— OTV (@otvnews) September 21, 2020
To save themselves from imminent drowning, they swam upto a rocky island in the middle of the river and took refuge. By then, two goats which were grazing were already stuck on the island…