WWE star Mia Yim tested positive for COVID-19 on Saturday afternoon, a day before the Royal Rumble. The 31-year old professional wrestler, informed on Twitter saying that in the latest round of testing, the results of her COVID-19 test came back positive.
The positive result meant Yim, who plays with the name ‘Reckoning’ will not be featuring in the Women’s Royal Rumble match.
Yim first debunked a rumour and then clarified that she had indeed tested positive after testing negative for several weeks prior.
“This morning at around 10:30 am, I debunked a rumor stating I was positive with Covid. For that, I must make a statement,” Yim wrote.
— The HBIC (@MiaYim) January 30, 2021
“I have been getting tested every week for several months now, all have been negatives. I was negative last week. I got tested this afternoon, less than an hour ago and it came back positive. Please respect my privacy. Please stay safe, wash your hands, and…