The new normal of COVID-19 times requires us to wear masks regularly and it’s led to a new problem — maskne, or mask-related acne. Here are some steps you can take to avoid it.
As if acne wasn’t enough now we have to battle ‘maskne’ caused due to the phenomenon of wearing masks. While the coronavirus has made it the new normal to inculcate masks in our daily attire from going for a grocery run to the workplace, its prolonged use causes you to sweat and increases your chances of breaking out on your face.
What causes ‘maskne’?
It’s the humidity
As the name suggests, maskne is acne that is caused by wearing masks. While wearing a mask you breathe, speak and tend to trap in a lot of warm air around the mouth. This creates a lot of humidity, which is suitable for bacterial growth and germs to multiply. The friction of the mask on the skin also causes…