When you look at successful, multi-billion dollar businesses like Amazon or Apple, it’s hard to imagine them as anything other than the market-dominating behemoths we know them as today.
However, Amazon launched out of the garage in Jeff Bezos’s rented home. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in his parents’ house.
These humble beginnings seem almost unimaginable today, but surprisingly, they are the norm, rather than the exception. This is especially true for female entrepreneurs, who tend to get less funding than their male counterparts. Many of today’s most successful brands had humble starts that played a major role in why they became such major successes.
3 Reasons Many Of The World’s Most Booming Businesses Come From Humble Beginnings | Stephanie Burns
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1. Keeping Costs Manageable
Cash flow is a major concern for many startup founders — as it should be. Studies indicate that as many as 82 percent of business…