It’s a given that no one person is able to keep track of every single tech trend shaping the world today. What was trending yesterday, however, may not hold much importance in the future. A study from Spiceworks found that more than a third of tech budget increases in 2021 will be influenced by Covid-19 related trends.
Over the last several months, priorities have shifted. The tech that scored big headlines and even bigger investments a year ago may not be relevant anymore. By doing some research and uncovering the latest in tech trends, you can stay one step ahead in the coming year and beyond. Here are some you need to know about:
It’s a given that no one person is able to keep track of every single tech trend shaping the world … [+]
1. 5G
5G has gotten no shortage of free publicity, but how many business leaders are fully aware of what the implications of the new technology are? 5G doesn’t just mean quicker internet…