Without question, hiring the right employees for customer-facing roles (and by “right” I mean “those with the most potential to turn out right”) improves your odds of providing exceptional customer service, day in and day out.
Unfortunately, though, extent to which these promising employees will grow (or shrink!) in their time with your company remains an open question, no matter how carefully they were hired. (For a free copy of my “WETCO” customer service hiring framework – Warmth, Empathy, Teamwork, Conscientiousness, and Optimism email me – forbes@micahsolomon.com – and I’ll hook you up. )
And sometimes, sadly, they will fall short. This can be a momentary blip or represent an emerging pattern. Either way, here are the most likely reasons I see in my work as a customer service consultant, trainer, and training designer.

1. Fear of reprimand for doing the wrong thing, even when their actions were motivated by a heart that…