Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer at SetSchedule. Resident tech guru.
Growing up, I absolutely loved Superman. I fell in love with the idea of being just like him: the strongest, the fastest, the best. And all while helping others? It seemed like a dream come true. But I knew it was Superman’s heart that made him a true hero. The fact that he always did what was right and helped others is what truly made him super — more than x-ray vision, flying and super strength. After all, Superman’s enemies had powers, too.
The moment I realized this, I decided that I would follow in my hero’s footsteps. Nothing else in the world was as exciting to me as heroes — not TV, not video games, not toys or candy. I had found my true calling. And best of all, I figured it out while I was still young.
So, my quest to become super began and my sense of responsibility to others started to grow. I made a commitment to myself that I would always help anyone who…