Dubai’s missing Princess Latifa is “being cared for at home”

“In response to media reports regarding Sheikha Latifa, we want to thank those who have expressed concern for her wellbeing, despite the coverage which certainly is not reflective of the actual position,” the statement by her family said, according to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) embassy in London.

In secret recordings obtained by the BBC and shared with CNN, the daughter of Dubai’s billionaire ruler claimed she was being held hostage in a “villa converted into a jail” with no access to medical help.

The royal family’s statement falls short of demands from the United Nations and the United Kingdom that the UAE provide proof of life for the sheikha.

In the statement, her family said that, “Her Highness is being cared for at home, supported by her family and medical professionals.”

“She continues to improve and we are hopeful she will return to public life at the appropriate time,” it added.

Latifa’s family and close friends have set up a campaign with supporters and advisers named…

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