Five Lessons Learned From Competing In An Ironman Triathlon

Alex Douzet is CEO of Pumpkin, a pet insurance and wellness care provider founded to help ensure pets live their healthiest lives.

Competing in seven Ironman triathlons may seem unrelated to my role as a founder and CEO of three startups; however, it’s these long-distance races that helped prepare me for the challenges of entrepreneurship. Here are five game-changing strategies I’ve learned from competing in Ironmans that can help startup founders.

Map out your course.

The key to an Ironman race is visualizing the course. You have to map out each checkpoint in advance, as well as how you’ll reach it while maintaining a fast pace. Even before race day, you need to create a road map that allows you to train for each sport and adapt your diet to sustain intense workouts. Gaining real experience is also crucial — you have to compete in several interim races until you’re ready for the main event.

This strategy applies to any startup venture. You…

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