Anise Madh is the CEO of LeanSwift, a global leader in eCommerce and mobile solutions for Infor M3.
To me, the global pandemic was much akin to a large earthquake; its effects rippled across our personal and professional lives, much like seismic activity can wreak havoc on both land and sea alike. One area where these waves were felt most keenly was the changes in our shopping habits.
E-commerce was already well-established pre-pandemic, however, Covid-19 accelerated the transition from shopping in physical channels to online. Some of the greatest impacts, underscored by research from McKinsey & Co., include:
• E-commerce penetration in the U.S. grew from roughly 16% to 33% in the span of about a year.
• An unprecedented 75% of consumers tried different stores, websites or brands.
• Winners in the marketplace emerged among those that embraced agility and new technologies, especially in places like China.
What’s the point? More people are…