How To Use Clubhouse For Business Growth

R. Kenner French, of, is an author of two books for entrepreneurs, speaks all over the country, and loves reading.

Clubhouse has all the trappings of an exclusive members-only club — just in app form. Listen in on conversations with influential entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, politicians and celebrities. Ask questions in chat rooms, and get a wealth of unfiltered information and expert advice. Host your own rooms, and hold court on practically any topic you can think of. 

Everyone is talking about Clubhouse right now, and for good reason. Where else can you pop into one chat room and listen to Katie Couric chatting with Perez Hilton, then another to hear Elon Musk talking about AI, cryptocurrency and space travel? It’s fascinating and addictive, but unlike some other social media apps, it also offers tangible short- and long-term business gains. 

If you haven’t heard of Clubhouse or don’t quite understand what…

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