Italy’s President Turns to Mario Draghi to Help Solve Political Crisis


Mario Draghi

saved the euro, but can he save Italy from political confusion?

Mr. Draghi has been called to see Italy’s head of state, President

Sergio Mattarella,

on Wednesday morning, and the expectation is that he will be asked to try to form a new government to steer Italy out of its health and economic crisis.

It is far from clear if a majority in Italy’s Parliament would support Mr. Draghi as prime minister, even if the former president of the European Central Bank signals that he wants the job. If a viable coalition emerges for Mr. Draghi to lead, his most urgent tasks would include formulating a strategy for economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

All of Europe has a stake in Italy’s economic fortunes, given the country’s teetering national debt and its electorate’s mixed feelings lately about the European Union and the euro. Germany and other EU members agreed to underwrite a…

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