Microsoft Could Bring You Back From The Dead… As A Chat Bot

Microsoft has filed a patent which raises the intriguing possibility of digitally reincarnating people as a chat bot.

Instead of using the conventional method of training chat bots using conversations and material from a wide sample of users, Microsoft’s patent – as spotted by Ubergizmo – raises the possibility of creating a chat bot from the output of a specific person.

The system would use “social data” such as “images, voice data, social media posts, electronic messages [and] written letters” to build a profile of a person.

“The social data may be used to create or modify a special index in the theme of the specific person’s personality,” the patent states. “The special index may be used to train a chat bot to converse and interact in the personality of a specific person.”

The chat bot could even sound like the real person. “In some aspects, a voice font of the…

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