Mt. Nyiragongo volcano: 92 earthquakes and tremors recorded in past 24 hours

The 11,500-foot-high volcano first erupted last Saturday, killing at least 31 people. Since then, the area has experienced a series of earthquakes and tremors, some felt as far away as the Rwandan capital of Kigali, 65 miles from the volcano in the Virunga National Park.

“There were 92 earthquakes and tremors in the last 24 hours. Only 4 were felt by humans, the rest were only picked up by instruments,” the military governor of North Kivu, Constant Ndima, said.

It comes as CNN has captured astounding new aerial images of Mount Nyiragongo volcano’s crater during a helicopter ride on Sunday morning.

Dario Tedesco, a volcanologist who has been surveying the volcano, told CNN a rift in the regional faults continues to contribute to earthquake activity.

Tedesco said the plumes of light gray ash coming out of the volcano’s crater, seen in the CNN footage, indicate that the crater floor is collapsing. “The top that was frozen is now going down. … It’s gently, not violently, going in. It’s…

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