Map of the world by Edward Stanford Limited marked with the paths of totality for the Saros cycle of … [+] eclipses from 1927-2164. The time and location of solar and lunar eclipses repeat themselves over a period of about 18 years. This series was discovered by Chaldeans over 2,500 years ago, and named by them the Saros. This map was modified by the drawing office of the Science Museum, London, for an exhibition held in 1927. The display at the Science Museum was to celebrate the total solar eclipse that was going to pass over North Wales and North West England that year. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)
SSPL via Getty Images
Go type “annular” into your word processing software. It got changed to “annual,” right?
The rare solar eclipse coming to North America on June 10, 2021 is one that commonly gets mis-named and, therefore, completely misunderstood.
So let’s clear this up: there is no such thing as an “annual solar…