Fear The Walking Dead
Credit: AMC
Fear The Walking Dead sort of finds new ways every week to lose the thread. It’s a show that’s almost entirely built around teasing audiences with the promise of a Madison return. The plot is secondary. The characters are tertiary. The villains are plucked from a deck of cards at random. In Sunday night’s episode we drew the Believers and then a wild card: Dakota, who randomly shows up at Believer HQ and joins Teddy (John Glover) and Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) on their little journey across Texas.
The pair becomes a set when Cole shows up just in the nick of time to blow some zombies to pieces, sort of rescuing Teddy and his two female companions.
Who’s Cole you ask? Well I guess he’s one of the people from the stadium who were rescued by the bold—if mindbogglingly stupid—actions of Madison, who led the zombies into the stadium thereby saving her kids and everyone else—just not the show,…