There’s A New Island Off The Coast Of Japan Thanks To A Submarine Volcano

There’s some new real estate in the Pacific Ocean 745 miles south of Tokyo and not too far from Iwo Jima. To call this island escape a hot property is almost too literal, as it was just created thanks to an underwater volcanic eruption.

Japan’s Coast Guard reported explosive volcanic activity in the region last week, including a plume of steam and gas rising from the ocean to altitudes over 15 kilometers.

Later observations showed the emergence of a new broken horseshoe-shape island. The below video shows lava hardening in place.

The new land mass is actually the top of a massive submerged volcano named Fukutoku-Okanoba poking its conical head above the water within just a few miles of South Iwo Jima.

The underwater volcano is thought to have erupted numerous times in the past, most recently in 2010. A 1986 eruption also formed a new island at the site.


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