Why Employees Are Quitting To Start A Business

Recently, I had a conversation with a prospective client that made it clear why so many employees are leaving their corporate jobs to start a business. After working for the same company for ten years, her position was eliminated at the start of COVID. Subsequently, she was re-hired into a lower-level role that she describes as, well, less than challenging. Not only is the company culture toxic, but her boss expects her to work 60 hours a week consistently. As the primary breadwinner in the household with a toddler at home, her mental and physical health is starting to suffer. So, the question is, how do companies expect to retain employees like this?

It’s no wonder that a recent survey conducted by Digital.com revealed that 32% of Americans are quitting their jobs to start a business. Earlier this year, Associate Professor Anthony Klotz of Texas A&M University…

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